
Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary is a colorful and concise commentary covering the entire Bible. The editors know that some of what we read in the Bible is self-explanatory, but other passages are difficult and require help, much like when the apostle Philip assisted Ethiopian eunuch in Acts. So to bring clarity to all Bible passages, 45 top Bible scholars contributed to this 1,410-page...

See the Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles before 1 Timothy. I. Greetings and Thanksgiving (1:1–7) II. Not Ashamed of the Gospel (1:8–12) III. Loyal to the Faith (1:13–18) IV. Strong in Grace (2:1–13) V. An Approved Worker (2:14–26) VI. Prepare for Difficult Times (3:1–9) VII. The Sacred Scriptures (3:10–17) VIII. Fulfill Your Ministry (4:1–8) IX. Final Instructions (4:9–18) X. Benediction (4:19–22) 1:1 As Paul
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